FBC - Fred Bennett Creations
FBC stands for Fred Bennett Creations
Here you will find, what does FBC stand for in Fashion under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Fred Bennett Creations? Fred Bennett Creations can be abbreviated as FBC What does FBC stand for? FBC stands for Fred Bennett Creations. What does Fred Bennett Creations mean?The United States based company is located in Des Moines, Washington engaged in apparel & fashion industry.
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Alternative definitions of FBC
- Faster Better Cheaper
- First Baptist Church
- Full Blood Count
- Find By Content
- Family Birthing Center
- Fox Broadcasting Company
- Fernand Braudel Center
- Flagstar Bancorp, Inc.
View 151 other definitions of FBC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- FAG Fast Apps Group
- FBB Fort Bragg Bakery
- FMG Fiduciary Management Group
- FSI Fulton Steamboat Inn
- FUGL Fresh Up Group Limited
- FHWL Ferris Hills at West Lake
- FCPL Fayette County Public Library
- FBGL Fit Bottomed Girls LLC
- FAB Fidelity Asia Bank
- FDT Florida Dance Theatre
- FZ The Fixture Zone
- FRSB Fox River State Bank
- FBCL Falmouth Boat Construction Limited
- FRAG Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers
- FCC Firestone Country Club
- FCW Fashion Community Week
- FTTA Fast Track Training Australia
- FR The Food Room
- FBEI First Beacon Entertainment Inc.
- FET Federal Executive Talent